Our partners

Avenue Of Life

Avenue of Life has a mission to end homelessness for families and children in Kansas City, Ks., by linking those in need with mainstream resources. Avenue of Life believes that strong collaborative partnerships with other agencies serving the same target population are key to providing comprehensive services, and ensuring that children and families have access to every possible resource that can better their situation. Avenue of Life has more than 3,000 community volunteers and community partners that contribute labor, in-kind donations, referrals, and funding.

Kansas Legal Services

Kansas Legal Services, a statewide non-profit corporation, is devoted to helping low income Kansans meet their basic needs through the provision of important legal and mediation services.

Goodwill Workforce

Good Jobs Grant

KCCBF supports Goodwill Workforce in their successful efforts to create advanced manufacturing sectoral partnerships, recruit and train participants who are traditionally underrepresented in this sector, and place hundreds of people into in-demand jobs that pay high wages and are sustainable.