ABOUT Project GreenLight
Tens of thousands of drivers across metropolitan Kansas City are on the roads illegally because they can't afford to renew their tags, register their cars, pay insurance premiums, or get their licenses reinstated. For most of these drivers, the bus doesn’t provide service to the location of their jobs, or to where their children go to school. These drivers live in fear of receiving another ticket, of having their vehicle towed, or of being arrested.
Thousands of others make the difficult decision to stay home rather than drive illegally, and as a result often lose their homes and fall deeper into poverty because higher paying jobs are too far from where they live. The Kansas City Community Bail Fund has created Project GreenLight to focus on decreasing the number of illegal drivers in our area, with objectives of reducing arrests, improving public safety, and increasing stability. It is the first program of its kind in the United States.
Help us make a difference in the lives of thousands of people who desperately want to drive legally and need assistance from Project GreenLight!
- DONATE TO PROJECT GREENLIGHT! Donations will be used to help with legal driving expenses such as car registration fees, license plate renewals, minor car repairs required to pass inspection, and insurance premiums.
- VOLUNTEER! We need many volunteers to help with the large volume of requests for assistance. We are seeking attorneys familiar with traffic law who are willing to work pro bono to help a few of our clients get their licenses reinstated. We are also looking for auto repair shops willing to make minor repairs at cost on a few vehicles that need to pass inspection. If you’re interested in helping, please let us know: ProjectGreenLight@KCBail.Fund
The Kansas City Community Bail Fund plans to offer free community reinstatement workshops on both sides of the state line, where the steps for getting a license reinstated will be explained and questions answered. And we have started conversations with elected officials and other leaders in the Kansas City area about the crisis of illegal driving, and are advocating for common-sense solutions that will allow more people to drive legally.
For program details and eligibility requirements, click on “Apply for Assistance” from the Project GreenLight drop-down menu.